Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Matt Flax MFFM vectorBass is an example of a few things : a] A melody line generation tool which lets you plot the pitch, volume and 'generic waveform sound'. This means you can essentially hear a piece of music, grab and plot the synth. waveform and generate your own melody lines using this synth. Whether the synth be a persons voice, bass or whatever ! This is accomplished by merging a FM (frequency modulator) and a Vector Graphics application (XFig). b] Rapid prototyping using a vector graphics application as the front end and a custom engine as the back end. For simple use .... Tyep 'make' and compile the program vectorBass Open doubleOctave.fig in xfig : xfig doubleOctave.fig Run octave and execute the function output2wav : output2wav "doubleOctave.fig" "doubleOctave.wav" HOME PAGE : REQUIREMENTS : C++ compiler, XFig and octave NOTES: * Freq - The frequency with which the waveform is cycled ... To specify the same waveform at multiple frequencies, edit this like so ... Freq 90 180 365 This would cycle the same waveform at 3 different frequencies, 90, 180 and 365 Hz All frequencies would be present in the output wav file. * Range - The semi-tone count from central scale to top or bottom * Time - The total time for the output waveform * Pitch curve plots the pitch vs. time of the melody line * Volume curve plots the volume vs. time of the melody line * Pitch and Volume operate relative to the same scale * Waveform is a plot of one cycle of the curve to be cycled. It determines 'generic sound' of the synth. * Waveform is relative to its own scale. * Alter the system to use ideal sin waveforms, you need to alter 'vectorBass.C' simply uncomment : // audio->audio[(int)n]+=(short int)rint(volume*vol[j]*amplitude*(lastVal[j]=sin(rads))); and comment out audio->audio[(int)n]+=(short int)rint(volume*vol[j]*amplitude*(lastVal[j]=(*waveForm)[rads])); PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION to the volume variables ... in particular vol is log scaled (from the code) : for (int i=0;i<(int)srcCnt;i++){ vol[i]=pow(2.0,-(log(; For psycological experiment you may want to alter this. Variable 'volume' itself is the volume curve drawn in the vector graphic application. This should not require alteration.